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Carlos André Maciel Pinheiro Pereira
Lucas Figueiredo Pinheiro de Lima
Lucas Leano Bristot


The present study aims to discuss the unconstitutionality of art. 3, VII, of Law n.º 8.009/90, focusing on the importance of protecting the fundamental rights of the guarantor and his family. It employs the deductive method, starting from the broadest topics to the most specific. It comprises the general legal aspects of the lease agreement and the pledge of assets. It understands that the good of the family is strongly related to the dignity of the human person, the existential minimum and the right to housing. Visualizes the need for the incidence of horizontal effectiveness of fundamental rights in the context of the relationship between the lessor and guarantor who only owns a single property. It concludes that the judicial constriction on family property is a very onerous measure because it exhausts the minimum material of the guarantor.



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How to Cite
MACIEL PINHEIRO PEREIRA, Carlos André; FIGUEIREDO PINHEIRO DE LIMA, Lucas; LEANO BRISTOT, Lucas. THE UNCONSTITUTIONALITY OF THE SEIZURE OF THE GUARANTOR’S FAMILY ASSET IN THE LEASE AGREEMENT. ANNEP Procedural Law Journal, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 2, p. 144–159, 2023. DOI: 10.34280/annep/2023.v4i2.177. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 dec. 2024.
Artigo Científico
Author Biographies

Carlos André Maciel Pinheiro Pereira, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE


Lucas Figueiredo Pinheiro de Lima, Universidade Potiguar - UnP


Lucas Leano Bristot, Universidade Potiguar - UnP



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